666-Swami Nikhilananda Saraswati.



Friday, May 27, 2022. 06:00.

Hanuman - An Inspiring Vision


Why is Hanuman remembered as the foremost among bhaktas? Why is it that even today, after thousands of years, he still inspires generation after generation? Why do we turn to him in prayer? How does he instil in us the finer qualities that we seek? What is the very essence of his personality?

We remember him for his feats of valour. He is remembered for his wise statesmanship. We revere him for the devotion he had for Lord Rama. We heap accolades on him for the humility, which was his innate nature. We pray to him for strength, wisdom and knowledge. Incomparable to the prayer in Ramacharitmanas:

Atulita baladhamam hemashailabhadeham

Danujavankru- sanum jnaninam agraganyam

Sakalagunanidhanam vanaranamadhisham

Raghupati priyabhaktam vatajatam namami

We salute Hanuman, the incomparably strong, with a body shining like a mountain of gold, destroyer of the forest of evil, the wisest among the wise, the abode of all virtue, the Lord of the monkeys and above all Sri Rama’s beloved devotee.

Hanuman’s greatness lies in his tuning with the Lord and His vision. His ego is sublimated ego and he is a mere tool in the hands of Sri Rama. He understands that the Lord is, “Pranatpal raghunayak karunasindhu kharari, gaye saran prabhu rakhihai tava aparadh bisari – the Lord is the ocean of compassion and if you surrender to Him he will forgive all your sins.”

1. Incomparable strength :

The lord is shaktiman or all powerful. He is the store house of strength. His strength automatically flows to those who are identified with Him. Hanuman’s powers came from Sri Rama because of his total surrender to the will of the Lord. Hanuman served for the sake of service with love. He had no other motive. It is such devotees that the Lord empowers and empowers fully.

Sri Rama recognised Hanuman’s greatness and chose him as His emissary. The Lord entrusted him with His ring and the message to be delivered to Site. He knew Hanuman was the only one capable of doing the work perfectly. ‘Hanuman janam sufal kari mana, chalau hridya dhari kripanidhana – Hanuman felt completely fulfilled and departed with the Lord in his heart’. All our inherent potentialities blossom with such an attitude of surrender. When we bow down to the Lord, our latent powers come forth.

Hanuman did not assert himself or push himself forward; in fact he was not even aware of his immense strength. Like a true sevak, he waited for service to come to him. Jambavan reminded of his greatness and said “Ram kaajlagitavavataara – the purpose of your life is to serve the Lord.” Filled with new energy, he roared like a Lion and took off for Lanka, in search of Sita.

2. Destruction of evil :

Sri Rama’s Avatar was for the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil and for the establishment of Dharma. Hanuman understood the vision and was instrumental in protecting good values and destroying the wicked. While hiding in the trees in AshokaVatika, Hanuman heard the rakshasi Trijata relate her dream of the night before “Sapne banar lanka jari, jatudhan sena sab mari – in my dream I saw a monkey burn Lanka and kill Ravana’s army.” Instantly he knew that this was the Lord’s plan being conveyed to him through Trijata. In burning Lanka, he had had no sense of doership.

A good soldier only knows how to carry out the commands of the leader. With such an attitude, he is able to perform efficiently because his vision remains clear and unclouded. To Sri Rama those devotees are very dear, who follow His instructions implicitly. A good soldier must be ready to follow orders, eschewing all sense of individuality. Discipline is the guiding factor.

On the way to Lanka, Mainaka Parvat offered Hanuman a resting spot. Wisdom and discrimination prevailed. He understood the nature of the body. Once we offer it comfort, it is very reluctant to give it up. He remained single pointed and alert. Politely, he declined the offer and carried on with his journey. There was no wavering on the path. Even in adversity, he maintained his power of discrimination and dispassion.

Each situation was adjudged on its merits. Though a diplomat, he could be ruthless, if the situation so demanded. One of the obstacles en route to Lanka was Simhika, the symbol of jealousy. Mercilessly, he destroyed the demon because he knew the immense cording power of jealousy. To let this plant grow in one’s home is detrimental and positively dangerous to the health of the family. His exemplary presence of mind and knowledge is once again displayed here.

3. Wisest among the wise :

 The wisdom of the great lies in their innate humility. Sri Rama is the force that projects, sustains and destroys the world. Was He not capable of finding Sita and bringing her back? Did He not know where she was? But in this Avatar, He is Maryada Purushotam Rama – the picture of the perfect human being. Playing the part of a mere mortal, He had to take help from the vanaras to find Sita.

 A few like Jambavan knew this secret…. The purpose of the Lord’s Avatar. So it is to him that Hanuman turns for advice. Like his Master, he does not proclaim to know everything. Jambavan knows that Hanuman is only meant to find Sita and instructs him accordingly. In the fitness of things, Sri Rama Himself must kill Ravana and bring her back stealthily would be no different from Ravana’s action. It will not be befitting Sita – Rama’s glory. Hanuman understood the vision and confident of finding Sita, left for Lanka.

Fearlessness is a quality of wisdom. Identification with the Lord makes one fearless… even of death. Surasa wanted to eat Hanuman. He was not afraid. He did not plead to be let off. He merely told her that he would come back after he had finished Lord’s work and present himself to her. For him the Lord’s work was all important, it took first place. When that was over, he was more than ready to even lay down his life.

When Sita was banished from the kingdom, Hanuman was sad. But he understood Sri Rama’s sentiments. By banishing her, the Lord protected her from blemish. He removed the misunderstanding which people had about her, from their minds for all times to come. Rama took on Himself the blame and censure. Even today people ask, “Why did Rama banish Sita from the kingdom, when He knew she was chaste and pure?” But no one ever doubts Sita’s chastity. This was made possible by her banishment.

4. Repository of good values :

The Lord is described as an ocean of compassion. Sugreeva saw Vibhishna from afar, walking towards, Sri Rama. His immediate reaction was not to let him near the Lord, because he belonged to the enemy camp. But Bhagavan was not disturbed in the least. His instructions were very clear. Whosoever it be, ‘Mam pan sarnagatbhayahari – I have pledged to give sanctuary to all those who seek me and make them fearless.” Further He said, “Jo sabhit ava saranayi rakhoon tahi prana ki nayi – I protect those who surrender to me, like my own life.” Hanuman was elated when he heard this and Vibhishana was taken into the fold.

Even on the battlefield, after the battle, Vibhishana was unsure about what to do with Ravana’s body. Lord Rama sensed his dilemma and told him to make arrangements for the last rites. There is no malice in Him towards the enemy. Hanuman’s character is also a repository and reflection of that same compassion, discrimination and dispassion.

Hanuman entered Lanka at night. His search for Sita, first took him to Ravana’s harem, where ladies were asleep in various states of dress and undress. Through all this his mind never wavered. It remained pure and crystal clear. The strength of his devotion was the cloak, which shielded him from temptation. He revered all womankinds as ‘mother’ and was protective towards them.

When confronting Ravana in his court, there is no meanness in his heart. Proudly he presents himself as Rama’s sevak. Free in his praise for his Lord, he tells Ravana that it is because of Rama’s strength that Shesha holds the earth on his head. He is the Creator of the whole universe, by whose grace Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh carry out their functions. He advises him to let go of his arrogance and seek the lotus feet of the Lord.

The hallmark of a great soul or a visionary is the garland of humility that adorns him. He is no cognisant of his own strength and moulds himself to the demands of the situation. “Sukshma rupa dhari Saiya hi dikhava, vikat rupa dhari Lanka jarva”, says Tulasidas. With Sitaji, he assumed a humble posture, symbolised by a small form. To destroy the evil city of Lanka, he took vast proportions and single handed went about his task of destruction.

5. Leader of the Monkeys :

Rama is a born leader, identified with Him; Hanuman displays all the qualities of a good leadership. Sugreeva gave his vanara sena (army of monkeys) one month in which to locate Sita. Failure to find her would mean death for all of them. The monkey brigade was extremely anxious. The monkeys pinned their faith on Hanuman and were eagerly awaiting his arrival. They were overjoyed when he returned and gave them news of Sita’s well being.

“Nath kaju kinhe Hanumana rakhe sakal kapin ke prana – Not only did he do the Lord’s work but also saved the lives of all the monkeys.” This was not enough; he also shared the credit for finding Sita with his whole group. He did not go directly to Rama with the news. He gathered all his team mates and together with them, celebrated this glorious moment. One of his legacies to mankind is the model of team spirit. A good leader will always give recognition to team effort and carry everyone along.

6. The true devotee :

When Hanuman returned from Lanka with first hand news of Sita, Sri Rama was overwhelmed. He heaped praise on this true soldier and devoted sevak. Rama was overwhelmed and expressed a desire to remain ever indebted to Hanuman. He says there is no other human form or celestial being who has claimed this honour. Any wish to repay Hanuman would translate into trouble for Hanuman. On this part of brave warrior remained unaffected by the accolades. Without guile and arrogance he says, “So sab tav pratap Raghurayi nath na kachu mori prabhutai – the glory is all yours Lord, I have played no part in this.” He took no credit for his deeds of valour, ascribing them all to the Lord’s grace.

There is a beautiful story of Hanuman’s child-like innocence and devotion. Hanuman was one day watching Sita ornamenting herself. He saw her apply sindoor to her forehead and was intrigued. He wanted to know its significance. Mother Sita told him that no other ornament was as great because this was the symbol of the Lord. The next day Hanuman presented himself to Lord Rama with the vermillion colour spread all over his body. The Lord immediately understood the child-like devotion and embraced him. To this day Hanuman idols are covered with colour red, symbolising Hanuman’s devotion to Sri Rama.

7. Conclusion :

Hanuman was a visionary, a great leader, a respected lieutenant, devoted sevak, perfect organiser and at all times ready to serve his Master. His vision remained unclouded, Hanuman remained a servant because it was his desire to serve he drew inspiration from the core, wherein resided the Lord with his harmonised centre. When the head, the heart and the hands work in the same direction, the entire personality shines brilliantly. Such is the mould in which great men are cast.

Hanuman was able to rise above and beyond the mundane to reach for the sublime. The vastness of his vision, its depth and penetration are reflected in the words of the poet Rumi, “To look at the ocean beyond the spray, to look at the essence beyond the words!”




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