659-Swami Udit Chaithanya



Friday, May 20, 2022. 06:00

(Bhagavatham 8.2.1 – 8.2.33)

Gajendra Moksham :


We are going to see the dramatic story of Gajendra, the head of elephants who was caught by a crocodile (or alligator) while drinking water from a lake.

The well known story goes like this as we brief it.

Thrikooda was a magnificent mountain with a big lake with sweet water, in an island in the milky sea.

Bhagavatham gives a glittery narration of the mountain with its versatile flora and fauna.

One day, a gigantic male elephant Gajendra, and his parade were wandering thirstily in the forests and came to the lake to drink water.

This Gajendra was such a huge elephant that even mighty lions were afraid of him.

As they were all enjoying in the lake, Gajendra was caring for his wives and children.

Bhagavathm says, as he kept pampering them, he was unaware of the approaching danger in the form of an alligator (or ‘Graham’), which caught him on the leg.

There started their terrible battle which lasted for a thousand years.

However hard Gajendra tried to free his leg, Graham pulled him more and more into the lake.

His wives watched him in utter helplessness as other elephants tried to drag him outwards in vain.

While Graham who lives in water fought forcefully, Gajendra could not maintain his life force for long as he was deprived of food and water and rest all this time.

Gajendra felt that his end was nearing and convinced that none in his people can save him from the approaching death.

Suddenly he realized, only the Supreme Lord can save him now.

Only Bhagavan who grants Moksham from Anthakan who does his duty upon fear of HIM, can save Gajendra now.

So, he surrendered before Bhagavan in full faith.

Note : We see a very thoughtful point here. As Gajendra was busy caring for his people, he missed to notice the approaching danger.

Isn’t it eye blowing for Grihasthas who are totally immersed in their family life?

As their focus is on family and daily life, they do not realize that time is running out and death is approaching.

Does it mean that they shouldn’t take care of their family?

No, it only warrants that they should live with awareness and a clear understanding of life and their purpose in life.

Surrender or Sharanagathy happens only when everything else fails to help you.

As long as you fight or resist from your might, your ego will not surrender before the Supreme.

The true devotee does not wait for such mishaps, but throws himself into the arms of the most Beloved Bhagavan, always, moment by moment.

Dear Devotee,

Are you like Gajendra?

Are you aware of the ultimate truth of life called death?

Right now, what is in your mind?

What are your priorities?

Are you able to see life above mundane things?

Are you merely existing or are you living an alive life?



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