665-Swami Mukundananda.



Thursday, May 26, 2022. 06:00



There are 8.4 million species on the earth planet. Amongst them, the human form of life is the only one where spiritual practice is possible, to continue to grow and evolve.

Did you ever wonder why we are here on this earth? Do you know what our purpose in life is? For answers to such questions of paramount importance, we need to go to our scriptures that impart sublime knowledge. Only then, we will know the purpose of our life’s journey.  Once we discern the goal of this journey, this world looks different and we recognize the value of this human life.

Therefore, let us partake the divine knowledge and wisdom bestowed upon us by the Supreme Lord, and embark on the path to eternal joy and peace.


Almost every human must have been confronted by this question, 'Who Am I?'. Some may have found the right answer and many just let this thought go by without realizing how imperative it is to answer it. Why is it so important to answer this question?

If we do not understand who we are and what our aim in life is, we will continue to wander towards the edges of this life in search of something that will give us complete happiness, peace, and tranquility. The mind may assume that this 'something' could be material like money, property, person or even power. It may also be an object beyond the material realm, something more subtle and spiritual in nature.

Unless we find the answer to our true identity, our goal, and the means to acquire it, a void will remain inside us. No matter how much you feed the senses and the mind with all the material pleasures dispensable to us, a feeling of emptiness hangs heavy within, that life remains unfulfilled.

It is the experience of almost every person, that mere material objects cannot completely satisfy the mind. It may provide temporary happiness but will either consume the person completely or leave him dissatisfied after a while, making him want more of the same thing. Hence, this short-lived mirage of happiness is not what we truly seek.

Therefore, to quench the inner thirst, it is essential for every individual to sincerely seek the answer to the more profound questions in life. One must recognize this inner calling for true knowledge and not fall prey to procrastination. This is the very beginning of our spiritual journey for the 'Absolute Truth.’

Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when die? Since time immemorial, these are also some of the most debated questions that scores of sacred texts, manuscripts and religious books have attempted to answer. Renowned philosophers, scholars, theologists, historians, and even scientists have propounded a variety of theories. Yet, very few have been able to provide a universally acceptable answer.

The most comprehensive and decisive answer to these questions is provided in the divine scriptures of Sanatan dharma, the eternal religion. The original name of Hinduism is Sanatan dharma. Sanatan means eternal and dharma means those actions, thoughts, and practices that promote social, cultural and economic harmony in the world and ensure God-realization.

Standing tall amongst all the scriptures of the world, The Vedas, Upaniṣhads, the Smṛitis, the Purāṇas, Darśhan śhāstras, Bhagavad Gita, Rāmāyan, the Bhāgavatam as well as the writings of many saints, acharyas, and Jagadgurus, reveal the complete knowledge for the who are sincere, faithful, and discerning.

The concept of eternity is difficult to grasp since our conception of time is limited. We are unable to reconcile the notion of something or someone being eternal that has no beginning or end. Our modern scientific method of learning and thinking does not lend itself favorably to believe facts such as, God is eternal or the scriptures are eternal. We always look for a beginning and an end. The mind is skeptical by nature.

But the spiritual world, which governs the material world is an eternal realm beyond the immediate grasp of the material mind which we have. It would not be possible to fathom or comprehend it unless we are given a divine intellect. Hence, it is best to put our complete faith and belief in the holy scriptures, the saints, and the Guru during the learning process. Just as we trust our teacher in school during our kindergarten stages without questioning too much, it will be beneficial to trust the facts of spiritual wisdom as presented.

These doubts will slowly disappear as the facts present themselves, falling into place like a giant puzzle, to unravel the philosophical truth of the spiritual realm at the opportune moment.




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