670-Swami Vivekananda.
======================================================================== ======================================================================= Tuesday, May 31, 2022. 06:00. Chikago :1893 : Volume-1 : Lectures and Discourses : 2. 2. THE HINDU RELIGION : ===================================================================== My religion is to learn. I read my Bible better in the light of your Bible and the dark prophecies of my religion become brighter when compared with those of your prophets. Truth has always been universal. If I alone were to have six fingers on my hand while all of you had only five, you would not think that my hand was the true intent of nature, but rather that it was abnormal and diseased. Just so with religion. If one creed alone were to be true and all the others untrue, you would have a right to say that that religion was diseased; if one religion is true, all the others must be true. Thus the Hindu religion is your property as well as mine. Of the tw...