
Showing posts from 2019

578 ― Ramana Maharshi

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 04/12/2019. 'I am that I am' ====================================================================== “Your duty is to be and not to be this or that. 'I am that I am' sums up the whole truth. The method is summed up in the words 'Be still'. What does stillness mean? It means destroy yourself. Because any form or shape is the cause for trouble. Give up the notion that 'I am so and so'. All that is required to realize the Self is to be still. What can be easier than that?” ***

577 - Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

======================================================================= ======================================================================== 04/12/2019. Devotion ======================================================================= "Devotion is a means as well as its true end when it grows into a full treasure. When devotion becomes a treasure, you will need nothing more for inner fullness or affluence. As devotion grows, it will begin to free you of all desire, hatred and fear. It will relieve poverty, either by making you amply resourceful or by taking away from you the very feeling of poverty. Devotion also will remove your weakness, generating untold strength and confidence." ***

576 ― Swami Tejomayananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 04/12/2019.  Right Thinking ======================================================================== “When a person works with inspiration, he never gets tired or exhausted. When man works for himself, there is only the perspiration of labour without joy. When he works for a noble goal, he is inspired. When working for a noble goal, man derives tremendous strength from his chosen altar of dedication.” ***

575 - Swami Chidananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 03/12/2019. “You should thank the one who draws attention to something in you,rather than being offended. Actually that person is doing you a great favour and service by giving you some knowledge about yourself which you, by yourself, have been unable to obtain” ***

574 - Swami Vivekananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 03/12/2019. "Do not believe in a thing because you have read about it in a book. Do not believe in a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe in words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth for yourself. Reason it out. That is realization." ***

573- Swami Udit Chaithanya

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 03/12/2019. "When you practice sadhana consciously and consistently the power of your mind start expanding slowly. When this expansion happens even the stars become conducive to the practice.When Arjuna approached the war field his mind was full of negative thoughts. So he saw that the stars are not favourable for his victory.But after listening to Bhagawath Geetha his mind became positive and he realised that the stars are actually supportive. Concentrate on practice,the stars ,the nature and Rishis will bless you for your progress." ***

573- Swami Chinmayananda

======================================================================== 02/12/2019. "History is full of instances, wherein, victory would have been to the vanquished, if only they had battled a little longer! We often fail for lack of perseverance in our efforts. We leave our work half done in our impatience. Every job demands its quota of efforts. Never give up too soon." ***

572- Swami Sivananda

====================================================================== 02/12/2019. "Eating, drinking, sleeping! A little laughter! Much weeping! Is that all ? Do not die here like a worm. Wake up! Attain Immortal Bliss." - Swami Sivananda ***

571- Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 02/12/2019. "He who knows, knows not; he who knows not, knows." This is a statement in the Upanishad, meaning that one who has realised the Truth has no personality-consciousness, and one who has it knows not the Truth." ***

570. Swami Vivekananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.10.2019. what is His nature? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "At the head of all these laws, in and through every particle of matter and force, stands One through whose command the wind blows, the fire burns, the clouds rain, and death stalks upon the earth. And what is His nature? He is everywhere the pure and formless One, the Almighty and the All Merciful. Thou art our Mother. Thou art our Father. Thou art our Teacher.Thou art our beloved Friend." *** ========================================================================

569. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03/10/2019. Peace : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "If you do not find peace within, you will not find it anywhere else. The Goal of Life is the attainment of Peace and not the achievement of power, name, fame and wealth. Cultivate peace first in the garden of your heart by removing the weeds of lust, hatred, greed, selfishness, and jealousy. Then only you can manifest it externally. Then only, those who come in contact with you, will be benefited by your vibrations of peace and harmony." *** =======================================================================

568. Swami Udit Chaithanya

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02/10/2019. YOGA MEANS ‘UNION’; IT IS DERIVED FROM “YUJ” IN SANSKRIT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "IT IMPLIES A ‘ONENESS WITH THE SUPREME ENERGY’. THE PHILOSOPHY OF YOGA ORIGINATED IN INDIA THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO." 'Yoga works towards giving us a healthy mind in a healthy body. Practise of yoga on a regular basis helps us achieve good health (both physical and mental) by not only reducing the built up toxins in our body but by also preventing illnesses both mental and physical.' *** ========================================================================

567. Swami Chinmayananda

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02/10/2019. Spreading The Sublime Knowledge Of Vedantam : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We Bharatiya aim for the inner transformation of individuals through knowledge of Vedantam, spiritual practices and service to society, resulting in a happy world around them." Vedantam is the core of Hindu philosophy. In fact, it is a universal science of life. A science which is relevant to all people everywhere, whatever their faith.  Our Nation mission  is: ‘to provide the whole world, the wisdom of Vedantam and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.’ *** =======================================================...

566. Swami Chidananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/10/2019. Strive : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Essentially, each seeker should know "What am I aspiring for? Is my aspiration being fouled by the occasional reverse gear—if not frequent reverse gears or a permanent inbuilt reverse gear—or am I totally out of gear?" All the calls of the Gita to Arjuna are to stand up and shake off weakness. "Strive" is what all the scriptures say.” *** ======================================================================

565. Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/10/2019. Spiritual Balance : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "No saint has been able to maintain the spiritual balance throughout his life. There have been occasional reversals though these might not have left any impression on their minds any more than the mark left by a stick drawn on water. But the mark is there when it appears. Such is the difficulty of leading the spiritual life.The case of immature seekers is much more precarious, indeed." *** =======================================================================

564. Swami Chidananda

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= 20/08/2019 Mind : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know why you are doing something. And if it is against your life, your principles and ideals it is bothersome. And no one wants to be bothered. So you conveniently try to curtain it off, turn a blind eye, and put it out of sight so that it won't bother you. This is what the Mind does." ========================================================================

563. Swami Sivananda

 =========================================================================  ======================================================================= 20/08/2019. Life : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching" ========================================================================

562. Swami Chinmayananda

 =========================================================================  ======================================================================= 20/08/2019. Discrimination : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  "The faculty of discrimination, this power of judgment, this ability to discern what is right and what is wrong, what is to be done and what is not to be done, is the function of the intellect. The dignity and culture of mankind lie in the exercise of this faculty and when this wondrous equipment is left neglected, man is bound to deteriorate to the status of an animal and suffer the consequences thereof." =========================================================================

561. Swami Krishnananda

 =========================================================================   ========================================================================== 20/08/2019 Practical Wisdom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That is wisdom which can reconcile itself with actual life. When the realities of practical life conflict with or stare at the knowledge we possess, it should be remembered that such knowledge is immature and is a mere theory. Moreover, it is not knowledge ‘of’ life that we need; we require knowledge which ‘is’ life, and is inseparable from its daily vexations. We have to view ourselves in a universal context and then live life, not look upon ourselves as individuals who have to be at war with the world in our everyday life."  =========================================================================

560. Swami Krishnananda

06/07/2019 It may be that we try to remember God when we are comfortably placed. But the test as to whether He has really entered our hearts is whether we remember Him in sickness, suffering, opposition and times of temptation. To be able to realise God, you have first to want God. It is almost a question of supply and demand. To want God is not merely to ‘think’ but to ‘feel’ through your ‘whole being’ that you cannot exist without Him. The entire personality vibrates with a longing that cannot be satisfied by the beauty and the grandeur of the world. There is a want for ‘That’ alone, and nothing short of it. world is rooted in the belief in its existence. The form of the world changes when the consciousness reaches the different relative planes of the various degrees of reality. When consciousness expands into the truth of Pure Being, the world discloses its eternal nature of Pure Consciousness alone. Consciousness is the most positive of facts, the datum of all experience. ...

559. Swami Vivekananda

06/07/2019 STEPS TO REALISATION : First among the qualifications required of the aspirant for Jnâna, or wisdom, come Shama and Dama, which may be taken together. They mean the keeping of the organs in their own centres without allowing them to stray out. I shall explain to you first what the word "organ" means. Here are the eyes; the eyes are not the organs of vision but only the instruments. Unless the organs also are present, I cannot see, even if I have eyes. But, given both the organs and the instruments, unless the mind attaches itself to these two, no vision takes place. So, in each act of perception, three things are necessary — first, the external instruments, then, the internal organs, and lastly, the mind. If any one of them be absent, then there will be no perception. Thus the mind acts through two agencies — one external, and the other internal. When I see things, my mind goes out, becomes externalized; but suppose I close my eyes and begin to think...

558. Swami Sivananda

05/07/2019 Aspirants should direct their whole attention in the beginning towards the removal of selfishness by protracted service to the Guru. Serve your Guru with divine Bhava. The cancer of individuality will be dissolved. The captain of a ship is ever alert. A fisherman is ever alert. A surgeon in the operation theatre is ever alert. Even so, a thirsting hungry disciple should be ever alert in the service of his Guru. Live to serve the Guru. You must watch for opportunities. Life is the soul's vehicle, for the soul's evolution. Life's worth and glory depends not upon the number of years you have lived on earth, but upon what you have made of it, how well you have utilized it for the purpose of the supreme aim of rediscovering Eternity, how you thought and felt and acted on earth. If, when the present span of life is about to be closed, your balance sheet shows that you have given more than you have received, and you have added to your spiritual assets, indeed yo...

557. A Sannyasin's Life - Swami Chinmayananda

05/07/2019 *SunshineSunday *KeepSmiling When an ardent *devotee first came in contact with Gurudev in the mid-1970s, he was amazed to see how many bhikshas Gurudev attended at which his devotees, #disciples, and admirers offered him sumptuous meals. “Unaccustomed to this, I used to look at the whole thing with a certain degree of *curiosity,” says the devotee. “I even began to think that a sannyasin’s life was pretty good.” Around 1979, he and his wife went to India. They joined Gurudev in *Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, where he was holding a jnana yajna, with lectures every morning and evening. On a particular Sunday, Gurudev's schedule between morning class and noon included an inauguration of a local Chinmaya Mission Centre some 25 miles from Tirupati, a lecture at an ancient *temple, and a bhiksha at the home of a devotee. “Knowing of the busy morning schedule, the host served an adequate breakfast to Swamiji,” says the devotee. “We, too, were the beneficiaries, as...

556. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.

04/07/2019. God laughs …"The whole universe belongs to Me, but they say they own this portion or that portion." Women are, all of them, the veritable images of Sakti. The devotee of God wants to eat sugar, and not become sugar. Brahman and Sakti are identical. If you accept the one, you must accept the other. One cannot think of the Absolute without the Relative, or of the Relative without the Absolute. One should not think, "My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false." God can be realized by means of all paths. If by the grace of the guru one's ego vanishes, then one sees God. Who may be called a paramahamsa? He who, like a swan, can take the milk from a mixture of milk and water, leaving aside the water. The waves belong to the Ganges, not the Ganges to the waves. All will surely realize God. All will be liberated, All, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self. The one essential thing is bhak...

555. Swami Krishnananda

09/06/2019 Yoga does not mean only practice. It is something different also. It is the energy of the whole cosmos wanting to befriend you, come to you, take care of you, possess you, unite itself with you, inundate you and 'be' you. That is the Great Yoga. By some mystery of the workings of Nature, as it were, divine hands begin to operate and grace descends and we are brought in contact with a proper Guru or a teacher. That itself is a great blessing; contact with a proper Guru is really coming in contact with God Himself. That the Self is of the nature of absolute Bliss is proved from the fact of its being the eternal Consciousness which is self-luminous in nature. There can be no imperfection in Consciousness. It is clear that it is free from all wants, because it is absolute and includes everything in itself. Meditation is rightly done when its object is the totality of which the visible and the conceivable are just aspects. In such meditation individuality is s...

544. Swami Sivananda

09/06/2019 Moksha is not attainment of liberation from an actual state of bondage but is the realisation of the liberation which already exists. It is freedom from the false notion of bondage. The cause of delusion is the desire in man. The desire generate the thought-waves and the thought–waves veil the real nature of the soul which is blissful, immortal and eternal. When the desires are annihilated, Moksha dawns on the individual. Therefore, Moksha is a state of desirelessness. Liberation comes from Knowledge of the Self. Sense-restraint conduces to knowledge. The name of God is an inexhaustible storehouse for spiritual knowledge. To know is not true knowledge. To intuit is true knowledge. A little knowledge puffs up. Acquire knowledge from any source. A great knowledge makes one humble. Self-knowledge alone is the means to the higher Bliss. Knowledge of the Self comes by revelation. Knowledge without conduct is deplorable. Knowledge of duality generates fear. Evil is a k...

543. Swami Udit Chaithanya

==================================== 08/06/2019 Yoga Patta - Symbol depicting power of concentration ==================================== Chapter- 3. Sloka -42 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita says, ------------------------------------------------------------ "indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah manassas tu para buddhir yo buddheh paratas tu sah" indriyani—senses; parani—superior; ahuh—is said; indriyebhyah—more than the senses; param—superior; manah—the mind; manasah—more than the mind; tu—also; para—superior; buddhih—intelligence; yah—one which; buddheh—more than the intelligence; paratah—superior; tu—but; sah—he. “Senses are superior to the objects, Mind is superior to the senses, Intellect is superior to the mind, Superior to the intellect is the Self ” One who understands this great secret is in the right path of evolution. Self regulation is the means to become established in this knowledge. One who is established in this know...

542. Swami chinmayananda

========================================= 08/06/2019 What is Dharmam : - Srimad Bhagavad Gita : Chapter-3-Karmayogam, Slokam-35. ======================================== śhreyān swa-dharmo viguṇaḥ para-dharmāt sv-anuṣhṭhitāt swadharme nidhanaṁ śhreyaḥ para-dharmo bhayāvahaḥ śhreyān—better; swa-dharmaḥ—personal duty; viguṇaḥ—tinged with faults; para-dharmāt—than another’s prescribed duties; su-anuṣhṭhitāt—perfectly done; swadharme—in one’s personal duties; nidhanam—death; śhreyaḥ—better; para-dharmaḥ—duties prescribed for others; bhaya-āvahaḥ—fraught with fear Translation: BG 3.35: It is far better to perform one’s natural prescribed duty, though tinged with faults, than to perform another’s prescribed duty, though perfectly. In fact, it is preferable to die in the discharge of one’s duty, than to follow the path of another, which is fraught with danger. Discussion : In this slokam, the word dharma has been used four times. Dharma is a word commonly used in...