558. Swami Sivananda
Aspirants should direct their whole attention in the beginning towards the removal of selfishness by protracted service to the Guru. Serve your Guru with divine Bhava. The cancer of individuality will be dissolved. The captain of a ship is ever alert. A fisherman is ever alert. A surgeon in the operation theatre is ever alert. Even so, a thirsting hungry disciple should be ever alert in the service of his Guru. Live to serve the Guru. You must watch for opportunities.
Life is the soul's vehicle, for the soul's evolution. Life's worth and glory depends not upon the number of years you have lived on earth, but upon what you have made of it, how well you have utilized it for the purpose of the supreme aim of rediscovering Eternity, how you thought and felt and acted on earth. If, when the present span of life is about to be closed, your balance sheet shows that you have given more than you have received, and you have added to your spiritual assets, indeed you have lived well~Swami Sivananda
Reverence for the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. There is no eye like that of the eye of wisdom. Wisdom is the greatest wealth. Wisdom is the wealth of the wise. God is the fountain of the life, love, wisdom. Wisdom and goodness shake hands together. Wisdom of the soul grows in silence. Wisdom is the aim of every philosophy. Base the Work on Wisdom. Attain the Supreme Wisdom. Meditate: “I am Infinite, Eternal, Changeless, All-pervading Atman. This world is phenomenal and illusory.” This is wisdom.
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