544. Swami Sivananda


Moksha is not attainment of liberation from an actual state of bondage but is the realisation of the liberation which already exists. It is freedom from the false notion of bondage. The cause of delusion is the desire in man. The desire generate the thought-waves and the thought–waves veil the real nature of the soul which is blissful, immortal and eternal. When the desires are annihilated, Moksha dawns on the individual. Therefore, Moksha is a state of desirelessness.

Liberation comes from Knowledge of the Self. Sense-restraint conduces to knowledge. The name of God is an inexhaustible storehouse for spiritual knowledge. To know is not true knowledge. To intuit is true knowledge. A little knowledge puffs up. Acquire knowledge from any source. A great knowledge makes one humble. Self-knowledge alone is the means to the higher Bliss.

Knowledge of the Self comes by revelation. Knowledge without conduct is deplorable. Knowledge of duality generates fear. Evil is a kind of knowledge to show the superiority of goodness by way of comparison. The individual soul feels itself to be in bondage in ignorance caused by the power of Avidya; when the false belief caused by delusion is removed by knowledge of Atma the state of Moksha is realised then and there, in this very life. It is not to follow after death. Unity is knowledge.



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