675-Sri Aurobindo.



Monday, September 19, 2022. 08:00.
Human Nature - Mind :


1.The Process of Effectuating Real Change in Human Nature :

Honest observation without mental bias is the first step the Mother outlines. This is accomplished by setting up the ideal as a screen or filter against which to compare each action. Those that do not compare entirely favorably represent things that can be identified as subjects for the change process. The standpoint of the uninvolved witness of the nature does not have any obligation to intervene, and many paths of yogic development that utilize this method counsel non-intervention as a basis of achieving liberation.

If the goal, however, is not ‘liberation’ but ‘transformation’, different criteria emerge and as a result, at some point, intervention is required and becomes phase 2 of the process. Eventually the observational mode is able to identify specific areas of ‘conflict’ between different parts of the being, their various needs, drives, motives, habits and directions, and begin to organise each of these elements around the highest aspiration representing the purpose the psychic being has as the life-objective.

The Mother writes: “And I am so convinced that anybody who does it in that way, with the same freshness and sincerity, will obtain exhilarating results…. To put all that on a screen in front of yourself and look at what is happening. And the first step is to know all that is happening and then you must not try to shut your eyes when something does not appear pleasant to you! You must keep them wide open and put each thing in that way before the screen. Then you make quite an interesting discovery. And then the next step is to begin saying: ‘Since all that is happening within me, why should I not put this thing in this way and then that thing in that way and then this other in this way and thus wouldn’t I be doing something logical that has a meaning? Why should I not remove that thing which stands obstructing the way, these conflicting wills? why? And what does that represent in the being? Why is it there? If it were put there, would it not help instead of harming me?’ And so on.”

“And little by little, little by little, you see clearer and then you see why you are made like that, what is the thing you have got to do — that for which you are born. And then, quite naturally, since all is organised for this thing to come, the path becomes straight and you can say beforehand: ‘It is in this way that it will happen.’ And when things come from outside to try and upset all that, you are able to say: ‘No, I accept this, for it helps; I reject that, for that harms.’ And then, after a few years, you curb yourself as you curb a horse: you do whatever you like, in the way you like and you go wherever you like.”

2.How to Transform One’s Nature By Overcoming Mental and Vital Bias :

Once we have recognised that we cannot rely on the mental being to truly review, analyse and control the vital desire-soul of the external being, and adopted the principle enunciated by the Mother to hold up each thought, feeling, emotion, action and motivation before a ‘screen’ of one’s highest ideals, we have grasped a basic tool for changing human nature. The Mother expounds on this review process and how to apply it. Sincere and consistent application can make a profound difference in the way one responds and acts over time.

The Mother notes: “Most often you will find that it corresponds to unconsciousness — then you file it among unconscious things and resolve that next time you will try to be conscious before doing anything. But in other cases you will see that it was a nasty little egoism, quite black, which had come to distort your action or your thought. Then you place this egoism before your ‘light’ and ask yourself: ‘Why has it the right to make me act like that, think like that?…’ And instead of accepting any odd explanation you must search and you will find in a corner of your being something which thinks and says, ‘Ah, no, I shall accept everything but that.’ You will see that it is a petty vanity, a movement of self-love, an egoistic feeling hidden somewhere, a hundred things. Then you take a good look at these things in the light of your ideal: ‘Is cherishing this movement in conformity with my seeking and the realisation of my ideal or not? I put this dark little corner in front of the light until the light enters into it and it disappears.’ Then the comedy is over. But the comedy of your whole day is not finished yet, you know, for there are many things which have to pass thus before the light. But if you continue this game — for truly it is a game, if you do this sincerely — I assure you that in six months you will not recognise yourself, ‘What? I was like that! It is impossible!”




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