673-Swami Sivananda



Saturday, September 17, 2022. 08:30.
Religion : 


Swami Sivananda respected all religions equally. He found that the fundamental tenets of all religions are the same. In his teachings, he talks about only those ideals, which are shared by all the major religions. His teachings have, therefore, universal appeal. Here are some of his teachings that reflect his broad outlook on religion...

The fundamentals of all religions are the same. Non-essentials only differ. Every religion teaches: There is one, eternal, all-pervading, all-blissful, all-peaceful Supreme Being. Speak the truth. Love all. Serve all. Purify your heart. Never hurt others' feelings. Be pure. Observe celibacy. Control the senses and the mind. Concentrate. Meditate and attain God-realisation.

One religion is as good as another. One road to the Supreme is as good as any other road. There are different kinds of roses but the scent is one. Religion is one, but many are its forms of practice. The essentials of all religions are the same. Let not sectarians blind your vision into a narrow view of religion. All prophets are messengers of God. Their words are infallible and sacred.

"Do as you would be done by. Do unto others as you wish others do unto you." This is the whole of Dharma. Attend to this carefully. Practise this in your daily life.

There is only one religion, the religion of love, religion of oneness.

Religion consists in doing good to others, and in practice of love, mercy, truthfulness and purity in all walks of life.

This is the essence of true religion: Love all beings, serve all with atma-bhava (attitude of being your own self). Slay egoism. Destroy likes and dislikes. Realise the Self or Atma.

The universal religion is the religion of the heart or love, the realisation of oneness.

That which brings well-being to human beings is dharma. Dharma is termed as duty, righteousness, etc. Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you - this is the whole of dharma. If one wishes his own advancement and prosperity, one should follow the path of righteousness and conduct himself properly.

Religion unites the individual Soul with the Supreme Soul. Religion shows the way to Self-realisation and eternal life in Brahman.

Religion consists in doing good to others, and in the practice of love, mercy, truthfulness, non-violence and purity in all walks of life.

Every religion emphatically declares: "One can attain eternal Bliss and Immortality by God-realisation. Speak the truth, observe celibacy, love others and practise self-restraint."

There is only one religion, the religion of truth and love, the religion of heart, the religion of service, sacrifice and renunciation. It is the religion of goodness, kindness and tolerance. Behold the oneness of all religions. All religions point to one single aspiration of human soul. And that is to transcend the limitations of environment and circumstances and get into the State of final beatitude and sublime peace - the natural craving of the soul. All religions are the fulfilment of the natural urge in man, which is essentially spiritual.

Religion is a manifestation of the eternal glow of the spirit within man. The main purpose of religion is the unfoldment of the Divinity within man.

Religion is practical philosophy; philosophy is theoretical religion.

Religion is not a denial of life. It is fullness of life. Man becomes God through discipline, self-restraint and meditation. That is religion. Religion is living in God.

All the prophets have reassured in most emphatic terms the fundamental truth that all religions are branches of the same tree. They have taught that the same sap of universalism flows in all their systems.

Be good and do good; this is the essence of dharma. Goodness leads to godliness. By practicing goodness, one lays foundation for the highest attainment of God-consciousness.

The ringing notes of religion are: Be good. Be pure. Be kind. Be compassionate. Serve all. Love all. See God in all.

The righteous man is the truly religious man. Practice of religion is the practice of righteousness, goodness, truth, love and purity.

Religion is life. Life is sacrifice. Religion should be a living experience in the life of a man. A life of selfless service and sacrifice, with regular prayer and meditation, is the highest religion.

Religion is the source of goodness and happiness, the basis of virtue and prosperity of the individual, and through the individuals, of the nation.

A life of purity, virtue, goodness, self-control, selflessness and humility forms the common basis of all yogas, all spiritual attainments and all practical religions.

No one can be religious without being ethical-minded and moral in his practical life.

The cardinal principle of Hindu ethical teachings is universal love on which is built the magnificent edifice of humanism.

That man who practices the religion of universal compassion achieves the highest good.




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