536. Swami Udit Chaithanya


"Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom ( Jnanam and Vijnanam)"

We live in a world rife with information. Information without authority which we carry is "knowledge".

But that which is authenticated by the scriptures is wisdom " Vijnanam" .

People who carry information or disseminate it without real wisdom are pitied by the wise. Bhagavad Gita advises you that true knowledge comes from Guru. Anything around you, including your life experiences that teach you, should be considered a Guru.

Bhagavatham speaks of 24 gurus.

We have a golden opportunity to study Kathopanishad that motivated Swami Vivekananda to spread unquestionable wisdom to the world. Kathopanishad cautions you against our own reluctance to change which would degrade us and finally cause rejection.

Knowledge is a burden but wisdom is strength. Here to walk the path of wisdom let us learn so we can flow like Ganga in grace and happiness.........Vidwan Sarvathra poojanthe".....



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