718- Swami Chinmayananda.


Tuesday, 15 Aug 2023 05:30.

Vijay Rath :


The obstacle to sustaining a positive thought is, of course, a negative thought, like:

a) It can’t be done

b) I did it once but I can’t do it again

c) Once it happened by luck. I didn’t think I could have done it.

Therefore, the importance of Satsang – to associate with positive people, positive thoughts and become positive.

Citing an episode from the Ramayana, Swamiji said that, after joining Lord Rama, Vibheeshana was temporarily disheartened looking at Ravana’s greater forces. It is then that Shri Rama discoursed on the Vibheeshana Geeta. Rama described His chariot as a Vijay Rath – which is what we need to be successful in all aspects of life.


The two wheels of the Vijay Rath are Sauraj and Dheeraj:

1.Sauraj is valour or fearlessness

Fear can be either factual or perceptual.

a. Factual fear has to be accepted.

b. Perceptual fear, which is more common, is when a False Emotion Appears Real. This fear is notional and can be overcome with right thinking. Thus, the importance of Satsang.

2. Dheeraj or fortitude is a measure of our strength — in adversity — born as a result of not giving in to negative thoughts.


The flags that this Vijay Rath flies are Satya and Sheel:

1. Satya – Truthfulness can be developed when we are continuously in the company of good, positive people, read good books, and listen to good music. Even when we pray, we must be positive. When we love the Lord, we go to Him to make Him happy. Love is to make the beloved happy. Therefore, we do not complain; we focus on what is good in our life and thank Him. When we focus on what is good and ignore what is not, we learn to accept people and develop an accommodative heart. This makes us positive and happy.

2. Sheel – pleasant, good, righteous and Dharmic. If we are positive, wherever we go, we spread happiness. If we smile first, a smile that is genuine and shows concern, others will also smile. Thus, we will make our homes and our workplace more congenial.


The four horses of this Vijay Rath are Bal, Vivek, Dama, and Parahita:

1. Bal is physical strength. This must be in equal measure with all others for the Vijay Rath to be steady and balanced.

2. Vivek is Discriminate. Judge without haste. Analyse everything with discrimination before choosing the course of action.

3. Dama is control of the senses. We must be perfectly focussed on our objectives. We must not get distracted. Unwanted objects, unwanted thoughts may come. Let them go.

4. Parahita is concern for others. Share whatever we have with love and compassion. As Gurudev said:- “What you have is His gift to you. What you do with what you have, is your gift to Him.”


The reins of this Vijay Rath are Kshama, Kripa, and Samata:

1. Kshama – If we can forgive, we are happy. Forgive the one who has hurt you. Kshama veerasya bhushana — Forgiveness is the quality of a hero.”Hate the sin and not the sinner”, said Gurudev. Therefore, we must take action not out of hatred but because it is right.

2. Kripa – compassion. We should share what we have.

3. Samata – maintain a balance in all pairs of opposites – ragaa – dwesha – which come and go.


Hence, if we ride this Vijay Rath with:

1) Wheels of Sauraj and Dheeraj

2) Flags of Satya and Sheel

3) Horses of Bal, Vivek, Dama and Parahita, and

4) Reins of Kshama, Kripa and Samata

then success shall be ours. We should not give up, come what may. “I will start, someone else may complete it if I don’t.” This should be our attitude. The result will manifest itself in time. All nature works thus, only a selfish man works for his own profit.


Hence, we should:

– Enquire about the purpose of life.

– Introspect

– Implement — Spit out the juiceless world.




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