701 - Swami Nikhilananda Saraswati.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) :

Happy to share the glimpses from Bhagavata Saptaha Yajna at Vezhathumal Devi Temple led by Brni. 

Devaki Chaitanya,  who is based at Adi Sankara Nilayam. 

Devotees from Veliyanad and neighboring villages gathered to drink in the joyous glories of the Lord throughout the week and participated in the parayana, bhajans and festivities. 


Saturday, March 04, 2023. 06:00.

Bhagavad Gita Chapters : 5 & 6.


Chapter 5 - Bhagavan Shri Krihsna's hips :

The fifth chapter prepares the seeker for meditation. We learn the technique of action by relinquishing the sense of doership. We discover the ability of performing action and also the ability of withdrawing from action. We find out how to be tranquil and peaceful even in a happy situation. This is the core of karma yoga - the technique of acting, without acting.

The world is a manifestation of the Divine. Bhagwan is the sole doer. Everything happens by His will alone. Nothing happens by our efforts. Actions take place of their own volition. The individual knows that I am not the doer. The more we are able to imbibe this attitude and act according to it, the nearer we are to dhyana. A sure test that mental purification is complete is when all sense of personal doership dissolves and we perceive action to be just happening. Even Brahmaji does not take credit for the creation of the world. He merely holds on to the Lord and believes that through him the process of creation is taking place.

With any sense of doership, meditation is not possible. It is the link between our initial sadhana of karma, upasana, jnana and meditation. The mind has been sufficiently purified and has relinquished the sense of doership. This quiet mind is a prerequisite to meditation. We pass the litmus test, when we are aware that action is happening and we are merely instruments. The person knows that I am not the doer. The mind is now purified.

We are now ready to sit down in meditation and come to understand our true nature. This chapter prepares us for meditation. We sit down for meditation…we sit on our hips. Chapter 5 is the Lord’s hips.

Chapter 6 - Secret portion of Bhagavan Shri Krishna :

The sixth chapter is the essence of chapters one to five. It reveals the secret of meditation. Slowly, having removed itself from the distractions of the world, the mind learns to establish itself in its own svarupa. Here Sri Krishna prepares us for meditation and shows us how to meditate.

The state of meditation is different from the waking, dream or deep sleep states and far subtler than them all. It reveals to us the turiya or the fourth state, of which we know little. This fourth state is my own nature but I am not aware of it. Shift the attention from the world outside and sit in yourself. By becoming established in this one becomes free of all sorrow. Even mountain like sorrows fails to shake the equilibrium of such an individual.

Ramana Maharishi said, “Be as you are.” The Lord advises us to remain in the Self. Established in this, the whole world is experienced as oneself. One is immersed in sukha or bliss and is automatically free of all worries and anxieties.

Arjuna asks, “My mind is so restless. How can I keep it quiet?” In reply Bhagavan deals exhaustively with the preparation for meditation, the method to follow and the benefits that accrue there from. He transports us from restlessness and confusion to the state of meditation.

Chapter 6 is the secret portion of the Lord. It helps us to get established in our own nature. This secret technique reveals to us not only our identity but that of the world as well.




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