629 - Swami Udit Chaithanya



MONDAY, NOVEMBER1, 2021. 5:00 AM.

Bheeshma Sthuthi…


Lord Krishna knew how badly this “man of justice” was perplexed. So, Krishna took the frustrated Dharmaputra to seek advice from his grandfather Bheeshma who was still lying on “Sharashayya” – a bed of arrows – in the war field itself. He was awaiting the arrival of Uttaraayana, the auspicious time for leaving his body. The Pandava brothers along with Sage Veda Vyasa and other Sages followed him.

Bheeshma Pitamaha was lying like a fallen mountain on the bed of arrows that adorned his entire body. As he could not get up from there, he offered Pranam to the Lord with his glance and words of honour. Pandavas prostrated before him and he looked at his grand children with wet eyes filled with compassion and great love.

How understanding he was, as he soothed them with his kind words. He knew how badly the Pandavas were treated by the Kauravas right from their childhood and what all crises they had to face all those years. If not for the support from the Lord, what would have happened to them and their mother! More than anyone else, Bheeshma knew that the war was inevitable and he was helpless in influencing Duryodhana too.

Now, Dharmaputra started conversing with Bheeshmacharya and that wise man answered all his querries. Bheeshma was successful in convincing the depressed man and recharging him with enthusiasm.

The presence of the Lord was the most happiest thing for the dying man and all his pains vanished. Then Bheeshma praised the Glory of the Lord and this is known as Bheeshma Sthuthi. “Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam” is the recital of the Lord’s thousand names by Bheeshma.

Note – It is surprising to see that a young and physically strong man was motivated by an old, physically weak and moreover, a dying man! Our body – its physical and mental faculties – can not function without a strong mind. When the mind is weak and we are caught up in an emotional turbulance, we become dysfunctional. But even on the death bed, Bheeshma displayed immense mental strength that could undoubtedly uplift Yudhishtira’s weak mind which even Krishna seemingly could not do.

We have also experienced this in our lives – a physically challenged person may exhibit extra-ordinary mental strength and thus achieves and attains greater heights, much more than ordinary people.

Krishna’s Supreme intelligence knew how to apply a psychological approach to solve Dharmaputra’s emotional problem, and as always He was right…

Hearing Bheeshma’s advices, Dharmaputra got immense mental relief. As the time for his departure from the worldly life came, Bheeshma focused all his attention on the Lord and he got the vision of the Supreme Lord in His “Chathurbhuja” form. He could see the Lord alone in all beings and all happenings in the entire creation.

As a true warrior Bheeshma Pitamaha accepted his final moments gracefully and merged in the Lord Himself. Even though the Pandavas were sad as their beloved grandfather left them forever, they were peaceful too as his final moments were blessed by the Lord.

They all went back to Hasthinapuri and consoled the bereaved King Dhritharashtra and Gandhari Devi. There after, Yudhishtira was crowned as the King and the Pandavas started ruling the Kingdom.





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