618 - Swami Udit Chaithanya.

Friday, May 21, 2021. 08:10. AM.

 Note – Sometimes we can also see people like Aswathama, they leap into trouble without thinking about the consequences and unaware of how to esacpe from it. An agitated mind takes you into a whirlpool of misery. On the contrary Arjuna represents a mind guided by the Lord, and so he can turn to the Lord whenever he needs protection.

The two powerful Brahmastras heading for a collision with each other shook the whole world. The entire Earth, Sky and Space was covered with their fire-faces that shone like Sun’s fierce fire and the mighty fire emanating from Adisheshan’s face. The whole creation was bewildered and frightened. Arjuna realized that the most merciful Lord wanted him to withdraw both “Brahmastarms” for the survival of the world, so he withdrew them as Aswathama could not do it.

Then he tied Aswathama with a rope and dragged him to Draupadi who had not yet recovered from her shock and grief. A single word from her would make Arjuna kill him that moment itself. Even Krishna had told Arjuna that Aswathama deserved no mercy from him.

But Draupadi astonished every one by asking Arjuna to set him free. She said she knows what “Putra Dukham” means to a mother, so let Kripi (Aswathama’s mother) be spared from that unbearable pain.

Note – What a great lady Draupadi was. The character of Draupadi is unique in world literature itself. As a wife of five brave husbands, as a queen still forced to become a slave to Duryodhana, as a hurt woman determined to take revenge on him, as the constant inspiration for her husbands, as an efficient housewife even in the forest and exile and as the most dearest friend to Krishna – what all roles she played beautifully.

But the true mother in Draupadi, who, even while experiencing the most unbearable pain, showing compassion to another mother can wet the eyes of a cold-hearted man too!

This Indian woman was such a diverse, multi faceted, rare personality…




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