530. Swami Sivananda


A Guru is extremely essential in the spiritual path. You must daily worship your Guru. You must invoke His blessings commencing your daily Sadhana or any important function. Then all your efforts will be crowned with success. There is no friend like Guru. Difficult is the attainment of Self-realisation, without the grace of Guru. Remember: Without reverence and obedience to Guru or the preceptor and without his grace, the aspirant cannot have success in the practice of Yoga.

A saint is God incarnate. A saint is one who identifies his soul with the Universal Soul. A saint sees the whole world as the projection of his own soul. A sage is sees unity in diversity. He becomes one with the whole world. The actions done by a saint are like the roasted grains which cannot sprout in the best of soil. A saint is free from the past Karmas and the Present Karmas. A saint is careless of his physical state. He takes no thought of his body. Service of the saints is the door which leads to Bhakti.



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