594-Swami Vivekananda.
================================================================================== Wednesday 09, October 2024, 05:30. Volume-3. Lectures and Discourses Bhakti-Yoga Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion CHAPTER IX HUMAN REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DIVINE IDEAL OF LOVE: Swami Vivekananda. ================================================================================= It is impossible to express the nature of this supreme and absolute ideal of love in human language. Even the highest flight of human imagination is incapable of comprehending it in all its infinite perfection and beauty. Nevertheless, the followers of the religion of love, in its higher as well as its lower forms, in all countries, have all along had to use the inadequate human language to comprehend and to define their own ideal of love. Nay more, human love itself, in all its varied forms has been made to typify this inexpressible divine love. Man can think of divine things only in his own human way, to us the Absolute can b...