766 - Swami Vvekananda
================================================================================= Wednesday 15, 2024 05:30. Chicago 1894 Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga Swami Vivekananda ================================================================================= #Sri Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti: Kalady, Kerala May 2024 =============================================================================== 1.THE PREPARATION: The best definition given of Bhakti-Yoga is perhaps embodied in the verse: "May that love undying which the non-discriminating have for the fleeting objects of the senses never leave this heart of mine — of me who seek after Thee!" We see what a strong love men, who do not know any better, have for sense-objects, for money, dress, their wives, children, friends, and possessions. What a tremendous clinging they have to all these things! So in the above prayer the sage says, "I will have that attachment, that tremendous clinging, only to Thee." This love, when given to God...