688 - Swami Vivekananda.
========================================================================= ========================================================================= Sunday, December 25, 2022. 06:00. HINTS ON PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY : (Delivered at the Home of Truth, Los Angeles, California) ====================================================================== This morning I shall try to present to you some ideas about breathing and other exercises. We have been discussing theories so long that now it will be well to have a little of the practical. A great many books have been written in India upon this subject. Just as your people are practical in many things, so it seems our people are practical in this line. Five persons in this country will join their heads together and say, "We will have a joint-stock company", and in five hours it is done; in India they could not do it in fifty years; they are so unpractical in matters like this. But, mark you, if a man starts a system of philosophy, how...