
Showing posts from 2020

610. That is Realisation-Swami Vivekananda

Sunday, December 13, 2020. 08:45. AM.  "Do not believe in a thing because you have read about it in a book. Do not believe in a thing because another man has said it was true. Do not believe in words because they are hallowed by tradition. Find out the truth for yourself. Reason it out. That is realization." ******* ==============================================


  Thursday, December 10, 2020. 10:17. AM. All things exist. We cannot conceive of non-existence as different from existence, for even non-existence, in order that it may convey any sense, must become a content of consciousness. And consciousness must be. Existence is the minimum to which things can be reduced, without which even thought is impossible. Everything relates to existence of some kind, and there is no thought of non-existence. ****** ================================================

608. Shraadh, Paying Homage To Ancestors - 3. Swami Tejomayananda.

  Scriptures tell us to perform shraadh for our ancestors, only up to a particular generation. For those who are unable to do the ceremony every year, certain special rites can be performed in Gaya. After this, we do not have to do the ritual every year. The scriptures give us many such options! You will be astonished to know that a person is permitted to do his own shraadh during his lifetime. For those who have faith in rituals and who doubt if their children will perform them in the future, here is a way out! When someone takes sannyasa, they do their own atmapindam, their own shraadh . So deep and complete are the shastras that they take care of all contingencies. The answer is very clear. Every action produces a result. Hence the result of the karma will certainly help the particular jiva, wherever the jiva may be. People belonging to other cultures may not perform these rituals, but they do, in some way, remember their loved ones on their death anniversaries, in their own way...

607. Shraadh, Paying Homage To Ancestors - 2. Swami Tejomayananda.

------------------------------------------ Sanday, December 06, 2020. 12;13. PM. ------------------------------------------------------- According to the law of karma, every action produces a result. So, any kar ma perfor med with the intention of it benefiting the departed, will definitely do so. The whole universe is one, and the power of thought is great. No thought dies without any effect. So, any karma backed by a powerful thought, according to scriptural injunctions, invoking the deity’s power to help the jiva, will certainly bear fruit. Any obstacle on the path of the jiva can be neutralised, minimised and overcome, by God’s grace, by the power of a mantra and good thoughts. The jiva will surely be benefited by the combined strength of all these. Further, whether or not the result reaches the jiva, the one who performs the puja feels very happy. This is a direct result of having done something with sincerity for the other jiva , and this can be experienced immediately. ***** ===...

606. Shraadh, Paying Homage To Ancestors - 1. Swami Tejomayananda.

  -------------------------------------------------- Saturday, December 05, 2020. 12;52. PM. -------------------------------------------------------------- Hindus perform shradh – homage to ancestors – annually. Does the result reach the departed ones? Is it a necessary duty? The answer to this question depends on various factors. First, do you have faith in and reverence for the Vedas and value what they say? If the answer is ‘yes’, then you must follow their injunctions. Those who do not believe in the Vedas, would not obey the commands therein. There is a third category of people who say, “I have faith, but also have questions.” Actually, such questions and doubts would not arise in the mind of one who has total faith, complete shraddha. Every jiva is born with his karma , but the jiva is not in isolation. A part of the whole, he lives with other members of society. After death, the jiva will continue its journey, in accordance with its karma – even if the after-death rites are ...

605. Concentrate on practice - Swami Udit Chaithanya

  Thursday, December 03, 2020. 07 : 56. AM. "When you practice sadhana consciously and consistently the power of your mind start expanding slowly. When this expansion happens even the stars become conducive to the practice.When Arjuna approached the war field his mind was full of negative thoughts. So he saw that the stars are not favourable for his victory.But after listening to Bhagawath Geetha his mind became positive and he realised that the stars are actually supportive. Concentrate on practice,the stars ,the nature and Rishis will bless you for your progress." **** =================================================

604. Secret of success in life —Swami Chinmayananda

  "The secret of success behind all men of achievement, lies in the faculty of applying their intellect in all their activities, without being mislead by any surging emotions or feelings. The secret of success in life lies in keeping the head above the storms of the heart." ***** =================================================

603. "Strive" what all the scriptures say - Swami Chidananda

Monday, November 30, 2020. 10:50. AM. “Essentially, each seeker should know "What am I aspiring for? Is my aspiration being fouled by the occasional reverse gear—if not frequent reverse gears or a permanent inbuilt reverse gear—or am I totally out of gear?" All the calls of the Gita to Arjuna are to stand up and shake off weakness. "Strive" is what all the scriptures say.” **** =================================================

602. Spiritual balance - Swami Krishnananda

  Saturday, November 28, 2020. 09:44. AM. "No saint has been able to maintain the spiritual balance throughout his life. There have been occasional reversals though these might not have left any impressionon their minds any more than the mark left by a stick drawn on water. But the mark is there when it appears. Such is the difficulty of leading the spiritual life.The case of immature seekers is much more precarious, indeed." **** ==================================================

601. THE PLAY OF MIND - Swami Sivananda

  Friday, November 27, 2020. 02:53. PM. "The egoistic mind is the root of bondage. The non-egoistic mind is the root of Moksha. When there is no ‘I’ or egoism, there is liberation. When there is ‘I’ or egoism, there is bondage, or birth and death. It is bondage when the mind is attached to any object or any sense-organ. It is liberation when the mind is not attached to any object or any sense-organ. It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves over anything, rejects or accepts anything, feels angry or happy at anything. It is liberation when the mind does not desire or reject or accept, or feel happy or angry. Emancipation is release from the bondage of the ego and its desires, of the ego and its propensities, its cravings for the sensuous." **** ===================================================

600 - Swami Sivananda.

Yogam Defined : "The word 'Yogam' comes from a Sanskrit root 'Yuj' which means 'to join'. In its spiritual sense, it is the process by which the identity of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul is realized by the Yogi. The human soul is brought into conscious communion with the Divine Reality. Just as camphor melts and becomes one with fire; just as a drop of water when it is thrown into the ocean, becomes one with the ocean; the individual soul, when it is purified, when it is freed from lust, greed, hatred and egoism, when it becomes pure (Sattvic), becomes one with the Supreme Soul. The science that teaches the way of acquiring this occult knowledge is called 'Yoga Sastram'." ****

599 - Swami Chidananda

“Essentially, each seeker should know "What am I aspiring for? Is my aspiration being fouled by the occasional reverse gear—if not frequent reverse gears or a permanent inbuilt reverse gear—or am I totally out of gear?" All the calls of the Gita to Arjuna are to stand up and shake off weakness. "Strive" is what all the scriptures say.”

598 - Swami Krishnananda.

Sunday, June 14, 2020. Total Thinking-The First Thought of the Day "When you wake up in the morning, observe the first thought that occurs to your mind, which will give you an idea of the predominant thoughts governing your previous day’s life, or several earlier days. Make this a daily habit of noting down your first thought every morning for days or even months. Often, when we get up in the morning we have a rush of such anxiety and a feeling of responsibility that we would not be able to note our first thought. We are pushed into activity by the impulse of anxiety regarding the duties of the particular day. But it is good to have a habit of trying to note the first thought that occurs in the morning."

597-Swami Chinmayananda

"The secret of success behind all men of achievement, lies in the faculty of applying their intellect in all their activities, without being mislead by any surging emotions or feelings. The secret of success in life lies in keeping the head above the storms of the heart."

596 - Swami Tejomayananda

03/04/2020. "Conscious destruction of the desire is achieved via the ‘knowledge route’. A philosopher would often go down the town’s fashion street to ‘window shop’ and return home empty handed. Whenever his wife asked the reason for this, his standard reply was, “I wanted to see all the things I did not need!” The vasana ‘seed’ can be destroyed by diligently working on oneself. Through repeated practice our divine fragrance will emerge and eventually the dust of unhealthy habits created by desires are brushed off."

595 - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

02/04/2020. “Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are not encumbered at all with learning, that is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realise that they know nothing.” ******

594 - Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

============================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/04/2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Self-realization is meant to ensure fulfillment for one’s own self. It is not reaching somewhere or getting at something external. The attainment is in dissolving the mind and intelligence, and getting into the very core of oneself. It is like multiplying everything with zero." **** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________ ======================================================================

593-Swami Udit Chaithanya

================================== --------------------------------------------------------- 31/03/2020. ------------------------------------------------------ "1.If you seek the grace of God with your whole heart, then you may be assured that the grace of God is also seeking you.  2.The past was great no doubt, but I sincerely believe that the future will be more glorious still.  3.No achievement is impossible for man, if he knows how to act in the discipline of co-operation." *** ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ===============================

592-Sri Ramana Maharishi.

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/03/2020. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Time is only an idea. There is only the Reality. Whatever you think it is, it looks like that. If you call it time, it is time. If you call it existence, it is existence, and so on. After calling it time, you divide it into days and nights, months, years, hours, minutes, etc. Time is immaterial for the Path of Knowledge." *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================

591 - Swami Vivekananda.

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/03/2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Take up one idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” **** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =======================================================================

590 - Swami Chidananda

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27/03/2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You should thank the one who draws attention to something in you,rather than being offended. Actually that person is doing you a great favour and service by giving you some knowledge about yourself which you, by yourself, have been unable to obtain” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================

589 - Swami Sivananda.

======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/03/2020. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That man who has suitable sharp-pointed intellect can see this Atman. Just as you extract the pith from the Munja grass, so also you will have to take the essence Atma from the five sheaths through patience and sadhana. Brahma or Creator created the senses without going tendencies and so this little Jiva or individual soul beholds the external universe and not the internal Self. But that aspirant who is desirous ol attaining immortality with strong will and firm determination realises the Pratyag Atman or Supreme Self by turning tne gaze inwards and having antarmukhvritti by withdrawing the senses from the objects." *** ---------------...