
Showing posts from August, 2019

564. Swami Chidananda

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= 20/08/2019 Mind : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know why you are doing something. And if it is against your life, your principles and ideals it is bothersome. And no one wants to be bothered. So you conveniently try to curtain it off, turn a blind eye, and put it out of sight so that it won't bother you. This is what the Mind does." ========================================================================

563. Swami Sivananda

 =========================================================================  ======================================================================= 20/08/2019. Life : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching" ========================================================================

562. Swami Chinmayananda

 =========================================================================  ======================================================================= 20/08/2019. Discrimination : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  "The faculty of discrimination, this power of judgment, this ability to discern what is right and what is wrong, what is to be done and what is not to be done, is the function of the intellect. The dignity and culture of mankind lie in the exercise of this faculty and when this wondrous equipment is left neglected, man is bound to deteriorate to the status of an animal and suffer the consequences thereof." =========================================================================

561. Swami Krishnananda

 =========================================================================   ========================================================================== 20/08/2019 Practical Wisdom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That is wisdom which can reconcile itself with actual life. When the realities of practical life conflict with or stare at the knowledge we possess, it should be remembered that such knowledge is immature and is a mere theory. Moreover, it is not knowledge ‘of’ life that we need; we require knowledge which ‘is’ life, and is inseparable from its daily vexations. We have to view ourselves in a universal context and then live life, not look upon ourselves as individuals who have to be at war with the world in our everyday life."  =========================================================================