
Showing posts from April, 2019

535. Swami Chidananda

24/04/2019. "Live with understanding and wisdom. Understand the meaning and purpose of life. Understand your real nature and why you are here. Here on earth you are but a passing traveller. Your Real Abode is that realm from whence you came. Here all things are temporary. All things pass. Therefore seek the eternal. Your Real Nature is not earthly. It is spiritual and deathless. To realise your Reality, your eternal identity is the purpose of life. While you strive diligently for this inner Experience cultivate Ideal Relationship with this world around you. To all beings relate yourself with nobility, sympathy, kindness, love, selflessness and the desire to serve all. Serve humanity and seek Divinity. Compassion to all is the key to blessedness. Humility is the highest virtue. Truthfulness is the greatest treasure. Self-control is the supreme wealth to possess. Egoism is the worst blemish." ***

534- Swami Sivananda

24/04/2019. "Develop virtues like generosity, forgiveness and love. Mere Yogic Kriyas alone will not help you much. Do self-analysis daily and eradicate your faults and evil, slavish habits. Rectify your defects such as selfishness, pride, jealousy and hatred. You must cultivate a compassionate and loving heart first. At all times you must share what you have with others and practice selfless service. Then only will you get purity of heart." ***

533. Swami Krishnananda

24/04/2019 "He who knows, knows not; he who knows not, knows." This is a statement in the Upanishad, meaning that one who has realised the Truth has no personality-consciousness, and one who has it knows not the Truth. ***

532. Swami Chinmayananda

23/04/2019 Vedanta roars declaring its lived experiences : " Seek Oh! Man what you want where it can be had. 'Infinite peace and Eternal joy'is thy very essential nature. Adjust your very inward 'life' and tickle out of it the music of perfection which you are trying to knock out of the rocky earth!!" ***